Red Dead Myths Wikia

Rufus is a yellow Labrador Retriever which he is also the Marston Family dog. After the last mission as John "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed" he disappeared.


Rufus is the Marston family's dog. It walks around and sometimes follows Uncle and Jack when they are doing chores. sometimes Rufus lays and sleeps on the carpet inside of Jack's room. After the mission "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed" Rufus disappeared. Some players claimed that if you stay for long enough at Beecher's Hope you can hear the sounds of barking from Rufus (it does not come from wolves). Rumours has it if you follow the barking sounds you will see Rufus Covered in blood and he will lead you to either

to John's bedroom or Jack's and he will lay on the bed. It is unknown if Rufus is dead or not either way nobody is 100% correct. Sometimes if you play as Jack Marston, Rufus would spawn in at the house (This is probably the game thinking the player is still playing as John) it runs around but it disappears when you look away from him.


As I was curious if this myth was true I went investigating and came back with these results: Rufus does sometimes spawns in when you play as Jack but disappears afterwards. You can sometimes see that dog owners sometimes plays with their dog and you can see the dog is sometimes Rufus. There is also this I found when walking through Tall Trees looking for some bears to skin I encountered that Jack said, "Rufus, where are you?, it is me Jack!". This might confirm that Jack was playing with Rufus in Tall Trees but lost him when he came back home. It is possible that he is alive but this might not be 100% true.
